Molluscum Contagiosum: What to Do & What Not to Do

Although the molluscum contagiosum virus is harmless, it can be easily confused with lesions or warts. Being contagious, it spreads quickly through skin contact, but fortunately it can be treated easily! Meanwhile, you can take the following precautions:

Molluscum Contagiosum Do’s

  • If you’re regularly working out at the gym, it's very important to cover your molluscum bumps. Make sure you wipe any equipment that you use or you can consider working out at home until the bumps have healed completely, for your own comfort.
  • If your child has molluscum contagiosum, then try and ensure that your child avoids direct skin contact with other kids. This is because the immune system in children isn't fully developed, and they contract infections quickly and easily.
  • Keep all clothing, bedding, and towels that may have touched the bumps separate, to avoid contact with other items or people.
  • Always wash your hands in case you touch the blisters, so they don’t spread.
  • Cover all the bumps and sores with clothing or a bandage to lower the risk of spreading the molluscum contagiosum virus.
  • Wash your clothing and linens separately from the belongings of your family members and maintain complete hygiene.

Molluscum Contagiosum Don’ts

  • Don’t scratch the bumps, as if you do it unintentionally, they may become tender and sore and start itching even more, causing the molluscum contagiosum virus to spread further.
  • Don’t use a flannel or a loofah to clean your body in the shower. Doing this can spread the virus further, so use your bare hands and apply a first-aid ointment after you shower.
  • Don’t wax or shave your body hair in the affected areas as, if you nick the bumps, it may cause more spreading.
  • Avoid sexual contact while you're undergoing the treatment for molluscum contagiosum.
  • Avoid visiting a sauna because the hot and humid environment is a breeding ground for all types of virus and bacteria, including the molluscum contagiosum virus.
  • Don’t share your personal items, towels, and shaving kit with family members when you travel or when you’re at the beach or in the pool.


A natural, topical ointment formulated for molluscum contagiosum is a safe and pain-free way to treat molluscum. Being natural, it will help reduce the appearance of lesions and bumps and relieve your symptoms in the comfort of your own home.

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