Sexual stamina or performance is a hot topic of discussion for those who are at the peak but for those who are experiencing a low libido, it leads to low self-confidence. If you've been concerned about not spending enough time between the sheets there are many natural ways to boost your sexual stamina.
Keep reading to understand what decreases your sexual stamina and how certain foods can give you the boost you need to last longer in bed with your partner.
Sexual Stamina
Sexual stamina or endurance can be described as how long one can last in bed and can be associated with men and women. In the case of women it can relate to low libido but for men the definition changes. A lack of male sexual stamina could mean premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, or low libido or no physical desire for sex.
Causes Of Low Sexual Stamina?
There can be several factors that contribute to poor sexual performance. It's observed that as a man ages, the sexual performance diminishes because the body produces lesser testosterone that is known to influence a man’s energy levels. However, with the sedentary lifestyle and increased stress levels, even younger men complain about sexual performance anxiety and related issues.
- Psychological factors, stress and depression are one of the major contributors for not just a low sexual stamina but also a lot of other male sexual problems.
- Age related illnesses like diabetes, arthritis, heart problems or high blood pressure can also be linked with poor sexual stamina.
- Alcohol or drug abuse and excessive smoking are also known to influence sexual stamina and even lead to impotency.
- Low self-confidence or unable to focus on the activity can also affect sexual performance. Men who aren't satisfied with the size or shape of their manhood often lose interest in sex and are unable to perform.
- Lack of exercise or physical activity and poor diet can also decrease sexual performance and may give rise to problems like erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation. You can try these natural male enhancement exercises to improve your stamina.
Foods For Improving Sexual Performance
There are more than 500 foods that are known to enhance sexual performance. These ingredients or foods boost testosterone metabolism and help in building sexual stamina. So surprise your partner in bed with a little extra dose of these kitchen staples in your diet from now on.

Eating figs raw can do wonders for sexual health as figs have high amino acid content. A deficiency in amino acids can cause decreased sexual stamina or even loss of libido. Figs are known to be effective at increasing libido in both males as well as females.

Raw Oysters
Apart from amino acids, a large amount of zinc from raw oysters has also proved to be vital for sexual stamina in men by improving the levels of testosterone, sperm and semen production. On the contrary, a deficiency in zinc can cause sexual dysfunction, impotence and sexual performance problems in some men. So, introducing raw oysters into your diet can help improve testosterone levels, as well as improve sexual desire, vigour, and sexual stamina.

Blueberries are considered a sex boosting food for men and function on the similar lines as our Prelox pills. There are some specific compounds in blueberries, it helps relax the blood vessels and improve circulation within the body. In addition, the immense fibre content of blueberries pushes excess cholesterol out of the system before it can be absorbed and deposited into the arteries. Lower cholesterol and increased blood flow helps men for more power and passion in bed.

Peanuts, pistachios and walnuts all contain the amino acid L-arginine, which is one of the building blocks of nitric oxide. This nitric oxide is a naturally occurring gas that impacts a man’s sexual performance majorly. L-arginine is a key ingredient in relaxing the blood vessels within the genital chambers and therefore increases sexual stamina and performance between the sheets.

Allicin is a compound which is responsible for the aroma of fresh garlic. Allicin also helps to increase blood flow to the sexual organs of men making them more responsive and reactive in bed. The increased blood flow to the genitals of men, in turn, causes it to stay harder and longer which is an added perk in bed. However, skip it on your date-night as the smell may turn off your partner in bed.

Go bananas with increased sexual stamina with this fruit as it helps to increase the men’s energy level. A special enzyme called bromelain in the bananas helps in improving sexual performance, stamina and increases sexual libido. Along with this, they're also filled with a fair amount of vitamin-B, which increases the body's energy level during intimate activities in the bedroom.

Chocolate is the most preferred aphrodisiac and research confirms that it may be beneficial for improving male sexual stamina. It contains the endurance boosters, phenylethylamine and alkaloids that contribute to these increased functions. Where the former is a chemical that promotes euphoric feelings during sex, the latter contains an energising effect that increases performance and thereby improves sexual stamina among men.

Pomegranate juice contains an incredible amount of antioxidants, which are particularly ‘heart healthy’. What they say is good for your heart, is also extremely good for your penis. Taking a glass of pomegranate juice every day is just one way of topping up your body with essential healthy goodness while boosting your chances of experiencing a better sexual performance.

Eggs are extremely rich in vitamins B5 and B6. This helps them to balance hormone levels and ease stress, proving to be important for a healthy libido.

Red wine
Wine has been known to help trigger the production of nitric oxide in the blood, which can support blood flow to the genitals. Always limit yourself to just one glass though, since any more can lead to negative effects on your performance.

Red meat
Lean cuts of meat are a great source of zinc. Zinc is known to be a mineral that helps curb the production of hormone ‘prolactin’. High levels of this mineral may cause sexual dysfunction, so by lowering it in your body could work in your favour during bedroom activities and boosting sexual performance.

Other foods
Other foods exceptionally high in antioxidants include berries, walnuts, sunflower seeds, ginger, citrus fruits, red cabbage, brussels sprouts and spinach.
Top tip try dipping the berries into dark chocolate, which contains methylxanthines that have been known to activate the libido.
The Final Word
Sexual stamina or performance can vary temporarily but if you have been observing a frequent dip in your performance in the bedroom, you need to address the issue with natural solutions. In case of male sexual performance, a lot is to do with a healthy blood supply in order to get and sustain harder and longer lasting erections and certain foods are known to improve blood circulation.
So, there you have it, foods really can make all the difference, plus many of them taste great too while being great for your sex life. However, even if after these diets you're unhappy with your performance or simply want to make it even better, sexual performance pills like Viaman are great option for you to try out. The natural and safe nature of these natural supplements gives you a peace of mind while they can easily fit discreetly and conveniently into any lifestyle, no matter how busy you are; yet they still have the potential to deliver results that can truly boost sexual stamina